Ok the buttons didnt arrive today so i've got to work on the base, and a final sand and paint of the top half of the box and a repaint of the trench...
Third red coat..
Forth red coat..
Ooops a bit of overrun but anyhoo... All cool..
Final dry, time to sand back the black and sort out the top..
Graphics and buttons removed for this part..
First thin coat..
Second coat, still wet...
Looking better already, no brush marks so far..
And for the bottom lid, I've got the fixing holes drilled, base sanded down and repainted around holes, edges blacked out..

Top of box is semi dy now, so heres a quick shot of the corner with the macro to check out the finish... Very pleased this time.. much better than before..

Its not that orange i promise!!!
Top of box is semi dy now, so heres a quick shot of the corner with the macro to check out the finish... Very pleased this time.. much better than before..
Its not that orange i promise!!!
Ok so buttons tomorrow, they are definitely on the way as i got a despatch email from ebay this morning saying they left yesterday..
Will sand and repaint the bottom half of the box tomorrow, clean up the bottom red edges and fit the base..
Also need to cut the USB lead to pass it through the exit hole and rejoin it with a connector block, and sand the perpex to fit the guide button..
Never bloody ending!!
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