Sorry for the lack of updates, the weather has been too foul to do much on the externals of the box and i need to get it sanded, get those edges straight and cleaned up for a decent finish on it before it is primed and painted..
Couldn't really do that indoors, too much sandpaper dust, and MDF is evil on the lungs..
Sooooo, what did I do, well a quick bit of wiring test to see how it all works, I've finally got my head round the common ground part of the electronics, so I've created a nice little daisy chain that will go from button to button, the joystick has a separate ground on the harness so no worries there,
Anyhoo, here's my first test at the wiring for the ground cable..
As you can see the Yellow wire runs in serial from button to button finishing at the top corner on the "back button"...
I also did a quick test of the individual wires from the PCB strip to the individual parts and looked at a route for my USB cable...
Obviously its all a bit messy there as the cables aren't routed in any way, just placed from bar to button, obviously I'll find nicer routes for each cable and cable-tie what i can together to keep it neater that that!! This WAS just a test to see if the cables reached.. They do.. Just..
Well I've also just discovered I need to go back AGAIN to Maplin to get the PROPER jacks for the bloody headset, i got the 3.5" and they are mini 2.5" aren't they!! well they fucking well would be as it was the only thing i didn't lug to Maplin with me...
Tomorrow I'm going to finally attempt a proper go at the graphics for the top panel underlay.. More full page A4 printing madness....
Back soon I hope..