Sorry for the delay, but the perspex took FOREVER to arrive after much prodding of mr Ebay man it finally slid through the postmans sweaty hands today and into my posession..
So lets get on with whats happened since that..
Ok perspex arrived and test fitted, needs a bit sanded off it and some alignment to make up for wonk in frame but apart from that fits well..
Again ignore the blue, thats the protective layer of plastic on both sides to protect from scratches..
Make guide holes for buttons.. Bradawl pilot holes ready for preliminary drilling..
Drill pilot holes using small drill bit..
Use hole cutting bits as before to remove perpex for buttons, I'm using the 2mm perspex so it comes off very easy providing ITS CLAMPED DOWN WELL, it didnt crack that i can see..
Test fit to lid to check for gaps to fill and check for alignment, as you can see its a bit out, but not too bad, that gap on the left hand edge will need some wood filler but its cool..
OK so time to get that lid fixed down, drilled some pilot holes, countersunk the holes for the screws to dip into and fitted the super countersunk screws through lid and braces underneith..
Nice and tight now..
Perspex fitted to test and as you can see the alignment is right now..
Thankfully it hasnt rained in all this time, but it looked like thunder all day, the gods are pleased with me for some reason..
You can really see that gap on the left edge now, so out with the wood filler me thinks..
Fit perpex and wood fill gap, remove perspex and smooth wood filler back, level and leave to dry.. The gap is gone!!