Its been a while since i've done enough to make it worth a post, but here goes, I've now finished the routing of the frame, angled all the corners, done this 4 times, and braced the insides for the base..
After angling the sides I'm now using a powered sander, much quicker to finish and get it down to the nice straight edge than planing it..
2 sides, 1 top, one bottom and a base and a lid, finished!!
When placed together they all fit quite nicely, just need to get them joined now..
Still some gaps, but a bit of sanding and the filling will remove that, should end up with a nice smooth edge.. I hope..
Using the grippers and a brace or two to get a nice 90 degree join.. Add glue and leave for 24 hours... After gluing jeans, jumper and just about every bit of wood i tried to use to get it straight...
After a quick sanding the edges are coming together nicely... Very nicely.. Very flat and when painted i dont think you'll see much of a join at all..
Add a bit of 12mm x 12mm to brace the lid and base on as before..
Finally clamp the 2 corners together and leave to dry, I think its worked out well, it took some time, and more expense for the 3rd clamp (the big one), but again i've learned a load more, and if anyone wants a nice chunky A4 picture frame just give me a ring.. ;-)