Managed the planned trip to Bromley and have acquired the micro switch, the headphone socket and some wiring as well as some last minute bits and bobs from homebase on the way back..
OK, so I've finished the holes for the controller as expected and am now ready to fit the buttons as a test before i do the same for the perspex over the top!
The completed lid..
Buttons go in fine, one is a bit tight and took an age to unscrew back out but I've got the right size on the adjustable hole cutter now after many trial runs..
Quick test fit of the joystick, obviously it needs bolting into place, but i thought I'd trial run it with some sellotape holding it in place just to see how it looks and feels..
Woot, i am pleased, now to get the guide button into place and then i can check the connections, speaking of which, this is what they look like inside the box..
One last close up, its not that clear, but i managed to fit the proper guide button from the Madcayz into the stick and have now got the back and start buttons screwed in properly, its all a bit tight around that joystick though!!
The semi finished article,
Well, its now just getting the power hole drilled and fitting the external jack for the headphones..
I'm totally shattered so that's it for today, time for dinner and then bed methinks..
In know the box still looks a little tatty and gappy, but remember it needs a good sand, and a proper wood fill and primer to get it all straight edged and ready for painting..
Soon my pretties, soon!!