Mind the Gap (part 2)

Ok time to get that bloody gap off the bottom of the lid, i'm adding some filler as shown below to build up the bottom part by a few millimeters so that the perspex doesnt have the grand canyon at the bottom of it, ok so here's the first attempt at filler..

Top view, obviously its a bit ragged on the top edge but i've over done it so i can then sand it back nice and straight afterwards by adding a little extra now..

Hole drilled in back of box ready for the USB lead to the 360 to be poked through, i've got some grommits to cover the hole afterwards, should look fairly neat..

And the side hole for the headphone to be plugged into, i've also decided to sand down this side a lot more as that filler is so obvious it hurts, so i'll get that neater and prime it again afterwards..

Thats all for today, wont get a chance to do any more for a couple of days as i've got the MOT etc to sort out for the car, and its bound to eat up the whole day!!