Hacker for hire!!

Ok I ordered a controller online from the USA from a guy called Lee Speer (HARUMAN) at the Arcade Controlls forum I joined for info..


Ok so after a strange delivery from the US postal system who sent it to Indonesia by mistake instead of the UK!! the 3rd party controller has arrived and it was time to get this Madcatz rubbish checked out..

The Madcatz intact...

Get the cover off this baby and get the pcb out and stripped down and we are left with...

Not too shabby, and with a common ground its fairly easy to wire up.. this is what we should end up with..

Haruman has added some plasticy glue over the contacts to protect them..

Ok So what have i got for my money, I have the contacts done, analogues have been have been left intact but i could have nullifyed them with 5ohm fixed resistors, and shoulder buttons have been converted to digital instead of analogue triggers..

Just gotta get the connector blocks sorted and we'll get to wiring up the box panel..

Before that need to build the box.. Now i've got everything to go into it, i can get to start sizing up and sawing all that wood up..

Check back for more..