Paint it black... again..

Update time, the primer is dried now, so i've sanded it back down so its as smooth as the wood was (almost!)

Its one of those times you wonder why you primered it when you seem to have to sand it all back off again to get it nice and smooth though... Still i was told "the black will soak into the timber without the primer" so i do as i'm told and leave some on..

First coat of black on the top side of the box.

Again this will be sanded right back and then painted again to get a lovely smooth finish like the base did.. so it doesnt need to be too neat.. Tis nice and shiny though..

Painted the bottom of the box as well at the same time, it shouldnt drip too much i hope!

Thats not gunk on the side, thats the reflection of my orange T-Shirt the box is so reflective when wet!!

Ok time to leave it somewhere safe and hopefully dust free to dry before i do the second coat tomorrow..

I've left the trench primed but unpainted as this will be red, I'll sand back any black that got in there first, but i suspect the red would just go right over the black anyway with no bother..
Side view showing unpainted trench..

So back soon, thanks for checking it out, hope you enjoy the work so far..