Progress.. Slow and painful.

Well the braces to hold the top and box onto the box at the right angles are now complete..

Only now do the parts need doweling or screwing together, again I'm contemplating which is best, screwing will have to be done from inside as i want no seams or screws visible on the sides front or back, the ones under the lid will be hidden under the graphics and the ones at the bottom i don't care about...

I'll do a few test joins tomorrow and see the difference..

OK first a big shout out to "no more nails" strips!!

What a time saver on sticking down those supports, i just scisored a strip into 2 or 3 lengths and then stick one to the other!! getting it straight along a fixed line without having to drill or screw ANYTHING togther,

I'd probably stick the whole box together with these if i could, but I'm not sure about the whole 2.5kg that it says/claims it can support..

OK so i bonded the supports inside the edges to give the top and bottom something to rest and be attached to..

So here's the box with the bottom supports holding the base in place..

Front and back....


Box together with lid balancing properly on the top supports...

and this finished article, box with graphics laid over top plate showing drill positions for buttons and stick ..

I'm keeping the graphics under my hat for the time being as i think they'll be better with a proper "real thing" reveal..

Realised i need another micro switch for the "guide button" now, so i may have to pop to Maplin tomorrow.. Gah!!!

So as usual, back with more later..