A nice tight box..

Just a bit of a small update, did the sanding i needed to do to get the box to a nice standard as I wanted to, i've now rounded off the edges on the top level, I've also used some more wood filler to clean up the gaps..

I've also got the box art graphics printed out lovely on photo glossy printer paper, borderless A4, it looks lovely but I don't want to show it here yet, as explained before, I want to wait for the "big reveal" to show you that!

Soooo, back to what you can see, you can see the cleaner lines on the rear here. (just about).

And have also rounded and lowered the wood at the so it angles down the same as the lid and won't jut up into your wrists when playing, I'm happy with the front, rounded sides and sanded flat and level edges. Wood filler has also been added to the corners will need a light sand tomorrow before priming..

Time to text the Acryllic hole cutting, so out with the layout again, this has come in very handy for getting all of the top layers the same, again time will tell if they all line up nicely when they are placed on top of each other..

Test drill the guide holes with a drill first, remember this perspex has some plastic protection over it, so that needs to be peeled off after the holes are cut.

First 3 holes done, and then the bloody thing cracked, and the drill stopped working, 4 hours of charge and 2 minutes of use, I think its fair to say it was on its way out, the power drill is miles too fast and shatters the perspex, so I'll have to see about getting another multispeed drill from somewhere/someone..

I'l also ordered some more of the drillbit hole cutters like these, a 24mm and a 28mm to do the holes properly, that adjustable bit is fine for wood, but these are better i think for precision work, and they're only £3 each so a bit of a wait for them to be delivered..

These seemed to go through the wood like butter, even with the low speed drill, so I'm happy to get them, I'd get one of every size if I could, they're lush..

Another update tomorrow if i can get the box primed ready for painting!