Am I livin in a box, am I livin in a cardboard.............

OK its a afternoon post as I'm off to Lee's for crappy Cthulu movies and footie..

Box is cut out and ready for assembly, need to still mitre some edges but am contemplating how to do that, the saw arrived today but haven't had a chance to try it out, and figure out how it works.. ;-)

Right so here's the woodwork so far..

I've cut out the angled sides and A4 sized base, cut a slightly larger flat lid and then used an angle on the jigsaw to tilt the top and bottom edges down to A4 with an 81 degree slope so it slots into the box properly..

Assembled the lot and realised that once again I've not allowed for the edges to fit AROUND the base, so the front and back are too narrow and don't reach all the way to the edge of the sides, only to the edge of the base.. Fuck Fuck Fuckity fuck, how many times will this catch me out..
Back out in the garden and add another 12mm to each side of my measurements and re cut the front and back like so..

Now I've got all the bits right, its time to prop them together and see how they look..

Not bad if i do say so myself, ignore the wobbly edges on those cuts, i've allowed some spare "past" the cut line and sanded them down as straight and smooth as i can, later I'll use some wood filler from my floorboard project to fill in the gaps so it will be seamless.

Now i just need to use bolsters inside to join the edges together and give the base and lid something to rest on and be screwed into...

I've not pictured the lid here, cos at the moment there's nothing to balance it on, and i still need to cut out the controls and perspex over the top of it.. I'll also print the graphics tomorrow as I've got access to a nice colour photo printer, so I'll leach some of their ink for my uses!!!

Back for more on Saturday or Sunday then..
